Bug fixing
If you have downgraded glibc or have accidentally modified or removed the libc6.so file from /usr/lib folder you will most likely experience a Kernel Panic on the next reboot as this library is essential for system booting.
In this guide I will explain how to recover the system after removing or downgrading libc6 on Arch Linux.
Kernel Panic? No Panic!
First, don’t panic and don’t rush to format the disk. Computer is stupid, you are the driver, everything can be restored, you just need to find a method.
It is necessary to have a second PC or Notebok.
Download Arch Linux installer and write it to a USB stick using Balena Etcher.
Start the BIOS interface and select the USB stick as the first device to load at boot.
At the archiso shell login give the command
fdisk -l
Mount your partitions, for example if you have the system in partition1 and the boot partition in partition2.
mount /dev/partition1 /mnt
mount /dev/partition2 /mnt/boot/EFI
Check the boot partition paths.
Restore glibc from apt cache with the command:
pacman --root /mnt --cachedir=/mnt//var/cache/pacman/pkg -S glibc lib32-glibc
Start chroot
arch-chroot /mnt
Update the system
pacman -Su
pacman -Syuu
Restart the Bios and select Arch Linux again as the first boot device.
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