Today I installed GNOME 48, code name “Bengaluru”.
The first unstable alpha version was released today and I installed it on GNOME Boxes VM, it’s too risky to test unstable repositories on my Dell Notebook or Desktop.
I took advantage of my new 5G connection to download GNOME OS Nightly iso and install GNOME 48 in a secure environment.
Everything went well, usual problem with KVM which I solved by activating virtualization support on my ASUS BIOS.
I was given the option to switch from GNOME OS master ostree to GNOME OS master sysupdate.
GNOME OS master ostree vs GNOME OS master sysupdate.
GNOME OS + systemd-sysupdate allows for complete system updates, for now in the form of a single file but there should be incremental updates in the future, but it also offers many other benefits:
Migrating to sysupdate would bring the following benefits:
* Provide a trust chain from the bootloader, all the way up, both online and offline;
* Achieve a closer integration with systemd;
* Advance our support for image-based design and its benefits, e.g., immutability, auto-updating, adaptability, factory reset, uniformity and other modernised security properties around image-based OSes.
For that, we are adding a number of features to systemd-sysupdate to make it more production ready;
* Implement optional transfers in systemd-sysupdate
* sysupdate should allow upgrading to a newer major version
* pluggable backends for systemd-sysupdate (or systemd-import)
This project was partly inspired by Lennart Pottering’s article “Brave New Trusted Boot World”, in which he explains a vision of the future of Linux systems.
GNOME 48 Software
I could not appreciate improvements in speed (triple buffering mutter support) being virtualized. Many applications have been updated to release 48, the new GNOME Settings on which the new Wellbeing section does not yet appear.
Loupe (Image Viewer) supports now basic image editing but cannot open RAW as I had read but perhaps it does not support the compressed RAF of my X-T5.
This is just a short test… I recorded a screencast although the resolution is worse due to the small window of GNOME BOXES
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