Blog update
In these days of extreme heat I have been busy with some medical tests that have kept me away from the blog. Plus I spent a lot of my free time planning my next trip. Luckily the exams, initially not good, did not reveal any particular problems and there was no need to carry out an ultrasound.
As for GNOME, I’m eagerly waiting to preview the first screencast of GNOME 45 alpha.
Tiredness is a lot, hours and prohibitive heat at work and many weekends swims in the pool have me lying on the sofa in the evening with the air conditioner and Netflix.
My travel blog seems to be growing, I’m often notified by GWebmasters of new record views for certain pages… I should spend more time on it.
Wayland is confirmed much better than I thought and apart from some strange bugs (overlapping screenshot manager windows and kdenlive) everything is going quickly…
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