I use Arch Linux and the first GNOME 46 Alpha release is expected in a few days.
Thanks to Flatpak it is now possible to preview some parts of this new version by installing the necessary software in just a few clicks.
Experimental versions will run in parallel in a separate environment from the stable ones installed in the conventional way and it will be possible to use them simultaneously.
How to install GIMP 3 (2.99) and GNOME Files 46 in one minute
- Install GNOME Software
- Open the terminal and give the following command:
$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists gnome-nightly https://nightly.gnome.org/ gnome-nightly.flatpakrepo
$ flatpak remote-ls --app gnome-nightly
1) system
2) user
- From the top right settings button, select Software repository to verify repositories correct update.
It will now be possible to install all available experimental GNOME 46 software such as GNOME Files 46 as well development software as GIMP 3 (2.99) o the new Prompt terminal simply by selecting it from the menu.
Official & experimental Flatpaks
Experimental Flatpak versions differ from the official Flatpak versions by the yellow and black zebra stripes (work in progress) at the bottom of the respective icons & interfaces.
Installed Flatpak software will work in parallel and at the same time as the official ones and can be set to be used as the system default application.
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