Today I received my new shoulder strap for the Fujifilm X-T30 II, it is my first real serious shoulder strap, I have always used the one supplied by Fujifilm but in fact it was so uncomfortable that I almost always held the camera in my hand.
Too thin and short, it left abrasions on the neck. The only advantage of it was the small size which made it fit perfectly in my small bag.
SmallRig PSC2428 Packaging
Packaging is very basic, there are no instructions or manuals.
Package includes a mounting plate, an Allen key and two spare Rapid Links.
I have attached the two small Rapid Links to the camera and will carry the shoulder strap with me, a larger bag would be able to hold everything but the small one is really very practical.
I took advantage of the Amazon Black Friday offer at 39.90 euros.
I also received two beautiful volumes of the Corso completo di tecnica fotografica series by David Taylor. Really well done, full of beautiful photos and suggestions.
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